
3033 Chimney Rock Suite 625, Houston TX 77056



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Career and Technical Education

Award-winning and Fully Accredited

Thousands of graduates worldwide take advantage of our virtual online programs. Many of our most successful graduates are from around the world, including the United States, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

Our certificate pathways connect state, industry, and national standards with real-world skills to prepare students for career success and further education. Our accredited school’s official transcripts and certificates are issued upon completing the online program.

Our Career Technical Education Priorities

Our catalog prioritizes offering complete CTE programs of study in high-pay, high-demand career clusters. Carefully designed sequences of introductory, intermediate, and capstone-level courses ensure students graduate ready for a job, certification, or technical school. Built to state, industry, and national standards, DLX provides students with the knowledge and skills required for career readiness.

A Student-Centered Learning Experience

Our career tech education students learn by doing.

Each lesson includes multiple opportunities for students to build knowledge through inquiry, creation, connection, observation, and confirmation. This active learning approach develops critical thinking skills and prepares students for success in the workforce.

As students move through the CTE courses online, they benefit from continual feedback, opt-in support, and scaffolds embedded in the courses. Schools may offer courses as whole-class instruction or as asynchronous learning.

A Student-Centered Learning Experience

  • 3D Character Animation ^
  • 3D Game Design ^
  • 3D Game Development ^
  • 3D Printing & Modeling ^
  • Adventure Maps ^
  • App Design ^
  • Fashion Design ^
  • Mod Design ^
  • Server Design ^
  • Accounting I
  • Advertising ^
  • Audio/Video Production
  • Business Management
  • Career Prep
  • Child Development ^
  • College and Career
  • Transitions
  • Counseling and Mental
  • Health
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human Resource
  • Management ^
  • Investigating Careers
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Wearable Technology
  • Innovations
  • Transportation
  • Technologies
  • The History of Gaming and
  • Esports
  • Startups and Innovation
  • Smart Cities
  • Medical Terminology
  • Principles of Business,
  • Marketing, and Finance
  • Principles of Education and
  • Training
  • Principles of Government and Public Admin
  • Principles of Human
  • Services ^
  • Principles of Health Science
  • Sports and Entertainment
  • Marketing ^
  • Video Game Design
  • Virtual Business ^
  • World Health Research
  • Early Childhood Education I
  • Early Childhood Education II (c)
  • Entrepreneurship & Small
  • Business (c)
  • Fundamentals of Bitcoin &
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Fundamentals to
  • Blockchain & Cryptography
  • Introduction to Artificial
  • Intelligence
  • Introduction to Education & Teaching
  • Java SE 8 Associate (c)
  • LEED Green Associate (c)
  • Personal Finance
  • Principles of Architecture
  • Project Management (c)
  • Robotics: Applications and Careers